Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"I'm melting!"

Have you seen The Wizard of Oz? If so, you probably remember the satisfying scene where the Wicked Witch of the West screams, "I'm melting!", while turning into a sizzling green puddle on the ground.

Well folks, it looks like the same thing is happening to our generation's own Wicked Witch this year.

And by "witch" I mean "Kim Kardashian."

We knew this day would arrive. It was inevitable.

After all, there is only so much of a fake plastic obnoxious bitch that one can take. I'm just surprised it took this long.

You see, the world's vulgar obsession with the Kardashian clan is rapidly diminishing.

According to ABC News, the NY Daily News, and the New York Post, anything featuring the Kardashians is "absolutely toxic."

Ratings for their television show "Keeping up with the Kardashians" has plummeted and circulation for gossip magazines (US Weekly, In Touch, People, etc.) that feature the sisters on their covers have dropped by 18 % in a month.

Plus, party promoters and Hollywood publicists have recently vocalized that the raven-haired reality show stars are no longer welcome at hot social functions. Kim Kardashian used to be paid up to $600,000 to attend a party. Not anymore! In fact, one club owner admitted to the Post that he would pay $600,000 for Kim NOT to attend. That's how poisonous she would be to his club's reputation.

Oh, and did you know more than half a million Americans have already signed a petition to boycott Kim? I couldn't be more proud.

I'm delighted with this news, because I have despised Kim Kardashian for years.

Her plastic face frightens me. Her attitude is repulsive to me. Her claim to fame is a joke. She is a self-absorbed, ditsy, shallow, and immature 31-year-old woman who has no business being admired.

I'm sorry if my words offend any of you, but this is my opinion, and I'm so pleased there are several people out there who share it.

One of my wishes for 2012 was to see Kim's face gone from the newsstands and television screens. It looks like my wish is coming true.

(Obviously, I'm not helping by giving her publicity here on this blog right now, but whatever).

I think Kim needs a healthy, humbling dose of real reality this year. She needs to find a real job (or a real husband who can support her expensive habits).

Poof, be gone!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your post! I hope she melts into a puddle of plastic ASAP.

Sherin said...

I am SO glad I don't have to see that face anymore. Seeing her on mags and on TV bugged the hell out of me!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. How long can you be famous for being famous?

Although I must admit I can't stop watching their stupid show...

✗✗ said...

Ha! Finally! I completely agree! This woman isn't even that interesting. I mean her sisters are what made the show watchable (IMO) since they actually have personalities. Being pretty isn't enough or at least not for very long. There goes the clothing line...

Jo said...

I read this post with much relish.

I used to like Kim as in not as a person but I love looking at her. She used to be very beautiful but I admit that whenever she looks straight into the camera, she looks like a wax figure.

For a while I was also keeping up with the kardashians, pun totally intended. The show is super shallow but it helps me to unwind after a hard days at work. I've stopped watching it after the wedding farce but yeah, I basically stopped watching tv.

Nice read! I still do not hate her but nyeah... I wouldn't hate you for not sharing the same view and you wouldn't hate me too right? lol

Johanna said...

Somehow, this doesn't surprise me at all. :D

David Macaulay said...

ha, ha - yes she is truly horrible and an oxygen thief too...

Shannon said...

can I get a "hell yeah!"????

Chandana said...

FInally! I am sick of seeing them and hearing rubbish 'news' about ALL of them.

Dayle Pereira said...

I did follow Keeping up with the Kardashians a few months back. And yes, she may look pretty & be rich but from her show itself you can see that she is a rude, selfish person. It was something that came up every episode which her sisters used to talk about!

Anonymous said...

I read in Dec about tabloid mags sales gone way down. (It's true ) Now Kim K is saying that "The Post", a good mag, who just reported the facts in Jan is lieing. The family gambles on we all believe what we read. The K family thinks the public is stupid. Please go away, no one wants them.

French Girl in Seattle said...

Ricky Gervais was funny when he mentioned her at the Golden Globes on Sunday and compared her to Kate Middleton. He could not have been more right. Let's all forget that woman soon and focus on more interesting people. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Swarnali said...

haha it was great reading this post.I agree!! She should actually disappear into nothingness..

Jen said...

I completely agree!!

Shalini said...

She's such a creepy creeperson. *shudder*

Couture Carrie said...

Aaaaah her downfall was inevitable!


btd. said...

You know I never even cared to hate or like her. She never meant anything to me, and still doesn't.

Tanvi said...

I can gladly say her existence doesn't mean a thing to me.

♡ from ©

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I have one question though, why the sudden drop in, should I say, popularity?

Jamie said...

I am THRILLED that soon they will be just a horrible memory in Hollywood history!


Alex Byer said...

You're my favorite person. Ever.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

If she isn't as nasty as she appears on her show, I feel sorry for her...because it's doing her no favors! said...

I signed that petition. She's threatened to sue the creator of that site, and Kris H. is threatening to sue her (not that I keep up with the Kardashians, I just love to hate them).
Thanks for this post.

Josie said...

I never understood the hype, honestly. What have they even done?
xo Josie

asdfasdfasdf said...

I recently did a post about her and her family, I agree 100%! I can't stand her or her mom, who is always talking about how much money they have, etc. etc. Her only claim to fame is a sex tape.

Leia said...

This is an awesome post! I don't know much about her (I guess they're only famous in the US), but from the little I've read it sounds like she has no reason to be a celebrity.


Chyrel Gomez said...

I'm not and never a fan of the Kardashians either. I don't know why they're so famous before. Like, seriously.

Bonnie said...

One of the many reasons I love "The Soup" is because they make fun of Kim Kardashian all the time. She might be the most boring person on the entire planet.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Tights Lover said...

This may just be my favorite post by you...ever. I agree with you, 100%.

I hope everything here you say is true, I've been dying for these people to go away for a long time. Maybe the rest of the world is finally ready to see them go too.

Like you said, they seem famous for nothing, and they really do seem like genuinely bad people. I really never could understand why people liked and respected her so much, but I'm not surprised you never did.

You seem to have way too much sense :)....

StylishByNature said...

Agreed :)

Wanna follow each other with GFC, Twitter and Facebook ?


Amena @Fashionopolis said...

OH MY God. From your blog post to God's...err... Hollywood Gods ears. I so hope 2012 is a Kardashian free year. Kim and her entire family is a joke who is making money for literally doing nothing! LOVE this post.

azu said...

I can't even tell you how giddy I am after reading this. I knew her time would come, but I didn't think it would take so fucking long. What irritates me the most is that K.K. is the reason for all of these girls dressing like SLUTS. I know there are more people who are influential to today's youth, but the Kardashian Klan are by far the worst. Trust me, I've seen and know little girls who have tried to dress like her (even as the years drag on they still try to emulate her style).

Ding dong the witch is dead!

Gayatri said...

I swear I must have been possessed or something but I used to be a fan of this crazy bitch. I am SO GLAD her empire is falling apart. It's built on nothing but lies.

Once Upon A Time... said...

i also think that her popularity is diminishing as the days go by, especially after that flop of a wedding. however, as expensive and spoilt she may be, i still find her a very attractive woman...

jos xx

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

About a month ago on twitter I tweeted: "whew! I just UN-followed Kim K. WOW that felt good!"

It was re-tweeted 25 times.

Now THAT felt good.

Love this post.

The Woven Moments said...

While I am also happy to do away with the vapid show and the ridiculously plastic Kardashian family, I can't help but wonder how much of this is about the individual and how much the media saturation is about the marketing machine behind the family.

And I'm also a little sad for all the Kardashian women (I couldn't name them if I tried) for being volunteer pawns in a media circus they may or may not understand.