Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life, interrupted.

I was at work, typing up a feature story, when the news broke three years ago. A friend texted me the rumor and we both feverishly scoured the internet, hoping it wasn't true.

But before I knew it, the newsroom was buzzing with shock and sadness. Someone turned the television on. And that was it.

Heath Ledger was dead.

I like to do something I fear. I like to set up obstacles and defeat them.

When anything is blocking my head or there's worry in my life, I just go sit on Mars or something and look back here at Earth. All you can see is this tiny speck. You don't see the fear. You don't see the pain. You don't see thought. It's just one solid speck. Then nothing really matters. It just doesn't.

In this industry, interest in you comes in waves, it's so tidal. And so I don't really want to jump on the first wave that comes along.

I only do this because I'm having fun. The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away.

I learned respect for women, and patience. You grow up with all those women around learn to wait your turn.

If you just be safe about the choices you make, you don't grow.

I still find it personally disappointing that people kind of go out of their way to voice their disgust or their opinions against the ways in which two people choose to love one another. I think that's really unfortunate.

There are no rules and there is no rulebook.

Having a child changes every aspect of your life — for the better, of course. The sacrifices are large, but what you get in return is even bigger than the sacrifices you make.

I wasn't prepared to expose stories about something so special and wonderfully private that is happening in my life. I guess a part of me wishes that I'd never have to and that maybe I could protect this special time. I was dreaming.

All of this is so insignificant. In the grand scale of things, there have been so many before who have been in this position. I'm just another one. Life is so short. It's like we're already gone, really, in retrospect.


French Girl in Seattle said...

Excellent story, Jenny. Great writing. So sad, what happened to that talented guy. Thanks for remembering him. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I am still really sad about this.

Anonymous said...

such a man!!!such an actor!!!great post dear!!

a kiss from the

Maynard Morrissey said...

Beautiful post, Jenny!

It's strange, I always thought he's a mediocre and uninteresting actor. After he died, I saw Brokeback Mountain and Dark Knight for the first time and dammit, I immediately fell in love with him.
It's sad, he was on the point of becoming one of the big boys of Hollywood. I miss him.

JUST ME said...

Great retrospective. It makes one wish, with intensity, that Hollywood was more mature when it comes to drugs.

So many people there have no idea what they're doing to themselves until it's too late.

He was a ball of talent. And hotness. Sigh.

Vix said...

This brought a tear to my eye. What a sad loss and a major talent. At least his short life brought joy to so many. x

Tanvi said...

Very touching. Well written! Great Story Jenny!

♡ from ©

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

So interesting that you started this post off with a piece of art work. I was in art class - ceramics to be exact when I got a text from my friend. I remember my table just came to a complete stand still.

He was so young, so talented, and even more, a father. Thinking about this still breaks my heart.

Suzy Home Made said...

Lovely. <3

Alex Byer said...

I miss him as an actor and a person. He was such a breath of fresh air.

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Love the photo with his daughter and all these great quotes by him. Heath was so fab!

stylenuggets said...

He was a remarkable actor, no doubt about it.

Meri said...

wow, I can't believe it has been that long. I was so shocked when I heard this news too. I thought he was really great, and his work was pretty incredible. I thought both brokeback mountain and lords of dogtown were pretty impressive

Gayatri said...

His portrayal of the Joker was so haunting. He was a genius, and there's always an element of madness in every genius. The world misses him.

socialitedreams said...


Becky Tjandera said...

It's been 3 years already? Wow. Time flies really fast. Nice post! He was awesome :)

Tights Lover said...

Wow. I can't believe it's been three years already. I was at work too when I heard. Such a sad story, the man was incredibly talented...I think he had so much left to do...

Camilla and Valerie said...

so sad about heath ledger. he was so talented and much too young to die.

your blog is so great, we miss hearing from you!

come visit us again soon :]
xo, camilla & valerie