Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Miley's Biggest Fan

Do you think you're the biggest Miley Cyrus fan ever??

I hate to break it to you, but you're not.

Because this guy is:

Jonny recently sent me a New York Daily News article about Carl McCoid, a 39-year-old housekeeper, from Yorkshire, England, who is a self-described Miley Cyrus superfan.

Carl credits the 19-year-old celebrity for helping him get through a difficult divorce, by listening to her music and admiring her beauty from afar.

He has spent around $800 to have Miley's face, signature, and song lyrics tattooed all over his body.

He even has a twitter account dedicated to his love for her.

Some of his tweets:

About this photo:

 “This photo is so beautiful. Her swag is amazing. And just look at that smile. God exists.”

This photo:

"Pure perfection. There's an Angel in L.A."


"I'm obsessed! Miley tattoos are addictive lol!"

"Her boobs sure are perfect!"

"Just listened to Time of Our Lives! Obsessed!"


Carl's dream is to one day meet Miley and he admits, he would probably die if he did.

Ironically, he would be in perfect company, because I'm pretty sure Miley would die on the spot if she saw his creepy tats.

He also said he's not stopping at 15 tattoos. He's definitely going to get more. Perhaps a wedding portrait??

I hate to judge this guy's obsession. After all, you're reading the blog of a girl who once broke onto Morrissey's tour bus for five glorious hours.

But everything about this situation is creepy to me.

It's borderline pedophile. (I wonder when he started becoming obsessed with Miley. Didn't she become famous when she was 13?!?) The tattoos make my skin crawl. And his gushy, high school style tweets make me wonder if Carl is mentally unbalanced. I mean, he doesn't strike me as violent guy who would ever want to harm her, but he just seems whacko.

And well, anyone who gives Miley Cyrus that much credit has to be nuts anyway. Let's be real.

What are your thoughts?


christin said...

Morrissey = cool. This = creepy. And what in the fuck is swag? Ugh, humans...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your very sweet comment on my blog! Would you like to follow each other?


Chelsea Finn said...

Ah! I heard about this! So weird!!

<3Chelsea Elizabeth

sherene said...

I think that's too much, creepy.

Alex Byer said...

What is this?! People really like Miley Cyrus?! WHAT IS THIS?!

The Grande Dame said...

Gawd that portrait tatt is AWFUL. No wonder he got divorced.

StylishByNature said...

I think that's a bit too much and weird !!

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Josie said...

I'm. Horrified.
xo Josie

Swarnali said...

That face tattoo is so creepy, he sure does sound like a pedophile. I can accept teenage girls worshiping Miley but a full grown man? Ummm that is really unbelievable for me!!

Sherin said...

Totally mental! He seems so creepy. Also, someone should tell him that that tattoo doesn't look much like her.

Vix said...

Forget that freaky bloke, you broke into Morrissey's tour bus? Please tell us more! x

starla said...

You should tell that story about Morrissey some day. Or maybe you have and I just haven't found that post?

Lisa said...

uhh.. this is just creepy and weird.. ew. ewwwww she's a baby!! she's not even legal yet.

Shannon said...

I'm just shocked his obsession is Miley? Really?

Yup - must be unbalanced. :)

Cailin´s Place said...


love jenny xoxo said...

that guy is insane... yikes! seriously some people are so crazy...


love jenny xoxo

Ali Hval said...

Well, that's uh, some dedication! Whatever floats his boat I guess?

Tights Lover said...

I never want to be one to question anyone's mental state, but that much obsession over anyone/anything is questionable...and that's before you even get into the age discrepancy, and when his obsession may have began, etc.

That tattoos certainly seem regrettable. 15 tattoos of any one things seems like a really bad idea, but...I mean...Miley lyrics? I don't know.

But, to be honest, what I really want to know is...more about you hijacking the Moz tour bus. You can't just throw that out there and then move on!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

His tweets and his tats are really crazy! He should get his money back on that terrible portrait tattoo by the way.

Also, I had no idea you were such a big Morrissey fan. Now you're 10 times cooler. I love him and The Smiths! I think Big Mouth Strikes Again is my fave.

Bravoe Runway said...

This is definitely a bit much! All those tattoos and crediting her to helping him get over the divorce..yikes!

A Brit Greek said...

This is too weird... how the devils did you find out about this guy and his serious obsession?

Thank you for your comment treacle, i'm truly flattered... I have to hand to all the style bloggers out there who blog outfit posts - dunno how they do it!

Mary said...

so, how old "really" is he?

Sam said...

Ohmygosh, this is very creepy, if I were Miley i would be afraid. Maybe I don't get why he would be obsessed with Miley of all the talented celebrities in the world...I mean she's Hannah Montana for goodness sake!

Midnight Cowgirl said...


David Macaulay said...

OMG - so awful that this creep is British - what can I say

ravenlocks said...

What a fucking loser. I'm used to seeing Madonna and Britney obsessed fans (which I could understand I guess) but this takes it to another level. A talentless slut is not somebody I'd brag about getting tattoos of.

Anyway, thank you for wanting to pin that dress! lol. I tried to off of my blog too but it didn't work. I think it's because I upload my pics to flickr and keep them private. I'll go upload it to pinterest right now.

And I'm flattered that you want to add me to your blog roll! :) Yes, it's absolutely fine!


A Very Sweet Blog said...

He's lost it Jen! HAHAHAHAHA He's crazy! There's no other way to analyze it. Eeeek! I hope he doesn't see this post! LMFAOOOOOOOOO

The Dainty Dolls House said...

No no...that is creepy. He's obsessed and not right in the mind. People like that go too far and then try to danger themselves or the person their obsessed with. Too much. Makes my skin crawl, I think he should be evaluated before he goes even further. Too strange. x

Jillian said...

This reminds me of a documentary I watched not too long ago. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it to you before (I may have, my memory is shot!), but have you seen I Think We're Alone Now? It's a film about two uber fans of Tiffany. Yes, Tiffany. Judging from what I know about you and your interests, I think you'll really like it. It's pretty crazy to watch.

Cafe Fashionista said...

So, this was basically the most entertaining post I have ever read! I seriously cannot believe that Miley Cyrus has a superfan. Personally, I kind of love her style! :)

Imogen said...

This is insane. It makes you wonder why someone that age would be so interested in her; like he's not really the target audience of her music or movies or anything. The tattoos are taking it way too far. I'm surprised he chose Miley Cyrus to become obsessed with. I don't like her at all. I think she is fairly talentless.

yiqin; said...

eww :x


Goodness, that's a bit too over the top. I'm more concerned about the artist who drew that horrible depiction on his arm, hardly resembles her. haha! Interesting post as always dear. -xx

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

Um, so I'm still stuck on the fact you got onto Morrissey's bus for 5 hours?! WE NEED TO HANG OUT!! Any girl who hops fences while carrying a Chanel bag, and sneaks onto buses is my best friend. For life.

Kinda like this guy's rather terrible rendition of Miley's face is on him...for life.

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

I saw this on Buzzfeed the other day and was so grossed out. She HAS to know about this guy by now, right? I would be so freaked out :X

Kelsey said...

omgsh.... creeeeeepy

Sazi Efionayi said...

really weird

Denise said...

Ohhhh, you were with Morrisey for 5 hour or just the tour bus? Anything would do, I would have loved doing that too!!!!! Great, well done!
I found it very strange too... too many tattoos, but just like you said, we have our tastes too, he might not like them... so, I respect as well, but not my thing!

Denise said...

Ohhhh, you were with Morrisey for 5 hour or just the tour bus? Anything would do, I would have loved doing that too!!!!! Great, well done!
I found it very strange too... too many tattoos, but just like you said, we have our tastes too, he might not like them... so, I respect as well, but not my thing!

Becky Tjandera said...

Hey Jen! :D Wow this is so creepy! Too much for sure.

Bonnie said...

I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

He's going to be single for the rest of his life, isn't he? And if you tell me he has a girlfriend, I will be shocked.

And he's probably brokenhearted that she's engaged now.

What a nut.

Arielle-HumblePieVintage said...

I bet this dude never gets laid. He must be off in the head. And yeah! She's only 19, so how long has he thought she has the "perfect tits"?! lol

Wow, what a weirdo.

jas said...

crazy story!

Fictitious Fashion said...

That's just too much!! lol

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Johanna said...

Hehe, he sure is obsessed :D But as long as he's not harming anyone... ;) xoxo ♥

Joy said...

I agree, this is pretty creepy...

DrunkethWizerd said...

...and I thought I was weird.