Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Enamor Magazine

There is a new fashion magazine on the block.

You can view the premiere issue here.

I adore Enamor, but I have to admit I am a little biased. I have two articles in it. I am a staff writer for this labor of love.

So in order to help celebrate its launch, I decided to share a little of its history with you and introduce you to the girl behind it, my dear friend Morena. You can see her blog here.

Isn't she a doll? I met this incredibly intelligent 15-year-old more than one year ago. She was my first blogging friend and I always assumed she wasn't that much younger than me. I was amazed to find out she was a decade younger! Despite the age difference, we quickly became close friends.

I was lucky enough to even visit her out in Los Angeles last summer. If things go according to plan, I should be visiting her again this summer. Yay!

(me, Morena, and her friend Avalon)

I recently conducted an interview with Morena regarding Enamor and how it all got started.

Here it is:

1. When did your interest in fashion start? Why?
I grew up seeing my mom sketch her original designs. My mom doesn't work in fashion but she's always had an interest for it. She would always watch episodes of TLC's "What Not to Wear," which is now one of my favorite shows. With my mom's interest, I developed my own passion for the industry. At first I adored the beauty aspect of it all, but as I got older I realized that fashion is much more than that. It's an art that imitates life. As society changes, fashion changes.

2. When did you come up with the idea for Enamor Magazine? What inspired you to start the magazine?
Over the summer I really needed to start a project. I had not much to do so I literally just thought one day, why not a magazine? I was actually inspired by Rachel Zoe's hunger for fashion, and her ambition to do something about it. So I did something to satisfy my hunger as well.

3. Describe Enamor Magazine. What is it about?
Enamor Magazine is a fashion magazine. That's what it is in a nutshell. But you know what it really, truly is? It's the passion of three young girls, translated into glossy pages. Do you want to hear a secret? This issue of Enamor was produced with no money at all. We happen to have a great amount of luck, and a handful of people who believe in us. That's what it took to produce this 50 page publication.

4. Starting this project at such a young age is really incredible. How did you even begin the process? What are some challenges you have faced?
I knew I could not go at this alone, so I approached my amazing friend Taylor Becnel. She's Co Editor-at-Large for Enamor. I approached her because I knew she loved fashion as much as I did, not knowing what a huge help she would end up being. She then introduced me to the other Co Editor-at-Large Kara Gonchar. Kara's my whole New York base. She helped shoot two of the four editorials in the Premiere Issue. Honestly, although we got into countless arguments, this issue of Enamor would not exist without Kara and Tay.

5. You once told me you hoped to be the next editor-in-chief of Vogue. Is this still true? What are your future goals?
Of course it's still true! In terms of the short term future, I would like to keep successfully running Enamor. In the more distant, I'd like to attend NYU and Columbia for post-grad. And then of course, I'd like to intern at Vogue. We've all got to start somewhere right?

6. With school, ballet, and modeling, it seems you were already an extremely busy high school student. What was it like starting a magazine on top of all that? How do you juggle everything?
This was probably the most difficult aspect of it all. I recently started pursuing my interests in the dance world. That's all I wanted to do. Seriously. And (it's confession time) this is why Enamor took so long to launch. This issue should have been out months ago but I just didn't have that balance in my life and I procrastinated, to say the least. I think I've got it figured out by now. But I'm pretty sure there's many more lessons to be learned. I like learning though, so I'm not anticipating any negative experiences.

7. A lot of people think fashion is frivolous. What do you have to say about that?
Oh, well it probably is. But there's people that love this industry so much, and there's people that don't understand it. For those who don't understand it, there's still no place for them to judge it. At least people who work in fashion love what they do. You don't have to love the food industry to work at a restaurant. But you have to love fashion to work for Anna Wintour, otherwise you will get stepped on (by 6-inch Louboutin's of course).

8. Why did you choose the name Enamor?
Well "enamor" was actually a vocabulary word that I learned a year ago. I initially wanted to name my magazine "Charm," but it seemed a bit cliche. Then I automatically thought of enamor, which is a synonym for charm. Most people thought I chose this name because if you take the last three letters of enamor and switch them with the first three, it spells Morena. That wasn't intentional, but when it was brought to my attention, it only made the name more clever.

9. What are your goals for Enamor?
I would like Enamor to be inspiring. This first issue is very atypical for a fashion magazine. Taylor was right, I'd like to push myself out of the box a bit more.

10. Is there anything else you would like to add?
I would just like to say that I'm well aware of the fact that Enamor is just a compilation of pretty pictures and witty words. What makes us different from other magazines is the fact that we don't give the illusion of perfection. I don't know if you noticed, but there's something very human about our magazine. We're accessible.

If you check out Morena's blog, Too Haute To Handle, you will discover she has a fabulous giveaway to coincide with the premiere of Enamor. Definitely check it out! If you want to order a print copy of the magazine, check out Enamor's website.

What I find amazing is that Morena is still exceeding any expectations. She has also recently launched Telluric Season, a science and nature based magazine that breaches into philosophy.

Now go check out Enamor! :)



This is really neat - can't wait to check it out. She is an amazing lady and she is very adorable. Thanks for posting this! Have a nice weekend.

Nikki said...

Thanks for sharing...the mag looks pretty interesting!!

Imogen said...

Wow I didn't know Morena had a magazine I'm so pleased you posted this and I am aware if it now. This is so cool. I love the cover and I'd like to see more of it. I remember the time when you met Morena that must have been so cool. I hope to meet you sometime Jennifer but of course I know that living in different countries means it could be quite far away. But some day would be cool.

Julia said...

wow, I'll defenitely check out the magazine!

Leia said...

How awesome! If you've contributed to it, then I'll definitely check it out :)

Liya said...

sounds incredible! I will check it out for sure

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing doll! The magazine has some fabulous images! Love the article on Chic Heroin!


The Trendy Fashionista said...

Interesting interview. The magazine looks amazing :)

Have a wonderful weekend
-The Trendy Fashionista

daisychain said...

wow the magazine looks fantastic, congrats x

Amelia is... said...

I had a quick flick through the magazine, it really does look fantastic. Well done for being involved. Thank you for the comment, it doesn't always feel easy!

Anonymous said...


mariam said...

Thats so adorable! The magazine looks amazing. Thanks for the comment! Haha I always hope that when Im like grandma old I don't look it and Im wearing hot clothes & heels too so funny you wrote that :))) Keep stopping by

Devon said...

Cute blog! x

Couture Carrie said...

So exciting!
Fabulous interview and pics!


Betty Manousos said...

I so loved the stucture of your post!
Thanks for sharing .Interesting. Can't wait to check it out!
Have a nice weekend!
Betty xx

Sherin said...

Wow! She is so inspirational. The magazine looks great too. Don't you just love blogger friends!

iris said...

Very interesting blog! I'll be back.

xx from madrid!

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Ohh fabulous!! Lovely girl Morena! :) Jennifer, I will surely go through enamor and I so appreciate this effort!:) Way to go guys!

street angel said...

I will check it out! xo ava

Josie said...

This is so inspiring -- what a talented girl. Can't wait to check it out!
xxoo Josie

Kellie said...

This sounds pretty fantastic, and it's especially amazing that she's so young and in charge of her own fashion magazine! :D That's quite impressive! I can't wait to check it out!

glee said...

wow! she's a very gifted child. If girls like that team up with you, we can expect something really great. that's why you're friends :) thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

that's cool , have to check
after checking i will meet u again

Sonya said...

Thanks for the comment!
I will definitely check out the magazine!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! What an inspiration there, it's so interesting reading how she juggles everything! Enamor has just opened up in another tab and I can't wait to check it out!

***Thank you thank you thank you for the guest post, I'm going to publish it on thursday if that's coo'? Also apologies for my tipsey email, I hope it was legible***


She Wore It Well said...

awesome mag.

thx for visiting my blog


aurora. said...

the magazine looks great
i cant wait to read it :)
its so cool that you have 2 articles in it!

thanks for the lovely comment on my blog :)

COCAMIA said...

Love this magazine!

Style, She Wrote said...

Great post. Going to check out Enamor now!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Christen said...

What a great project and a wonderful woman behind it!

OneCraftyFox said...

Oh wow, looks like it's going to be a huge hit!

Cafe Fashionista said...

Ohmigosh Jennifer how exciting! This sounds like such an amazing venture for you and Morena! I hope you get to visit her again this summer. And to check out Enamor!! :)

Lisa said...

Going to check this out! What an inspiring story! :)

English Rose ♥ said...

This sounds so cool - it makes me feel like a total failure for not having my own magazine at 15!

Congrats to both of you and fabulous interview by the way darling =]

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

thx for ur sweet comment;)
u have such a nice blog!
and the girl is really cute;) i also have some friend much younger or older than me but we still understand each other incredibly good!

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

great job! how exiting!! Will it be an online magazine? Aah this is so cool.


Denisa L said...

great interview dear!I'm gonna check it right now:)

btw love your skirt:)

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

Wow, the magazine looks wonderful & that cover is so pretty! And, how exciting for you to have an article in the premier edition! Hope you're having a whimsical weekend, my sweet!

P.S., please stop by GirlWhimsy. I have an award for you.

Manon said...

I am going to check it out right away!
Thanks for sharing.

Fashion Court said...

that is so fabulous - i need to check this out! xo

Anonymous said...

like your head band!!


JUST ME said...

What was I doing at 15?

Probably freaking out about Leonardo DiCaprio and watching 'My So Called Life'.

Anonymous said...

Sounds amazing, I am going to right away read it, I'm sure your articles will be fabulous!

Stephanie said...

Best of luck to her! I'm going to read her blog right now


meliindaa. said...

i'm excited for the magazine, and congrats on being a part of it!

Andie said...

oh she does look like a doll!
and cool mag

Nubiasnonsense said...

How exciting! I'm going to check it out now

debra@dustjacket said...

Just fabulous, will be checking it out for sure!

Angela said...

will sure check it out. hope you have a lovely Sunday my dear. : )

Lucie - A Taste Of Vogue said...

Such a wonderful post - so inspiring!


Move said...

thanks for sharing, I will check it out!


Rohini said...

Great post! Love the interview. :)

MJ said...

I haven't seen Morena around in blog-land for ages! I shall have to go and check out her blog again... said...

Very interesting, thanks for sharing this.

♥Please don't forget to join the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!♥

Good luck!

Haute World said...

I'll definitely check this out - great interview! And not a bad achievement for a girl that age. Of course I'm most curious to see your contribution :)

Connie @ Sogni e Sorrisi said...

Thanks for sharing, this looks great.

You're the winner of my giveaway! Please email me with your info so I can get your prize to you.

Anonymous said...

great interview..
but i can't get that mags in indonesia :(

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow. That is incredibly inspirational. Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I must go see this! :)

Treacle said...

Congratulations on being staff writer for the new magazine and great interview! :-)

Jill said...

sweet that's so cool!

Unknown said...

how cool! i'm really amazed. she's so young and she's able to pull this off together. truly inspiring!


SabinePsynopsis said...

So exciting! What a great project. Congratulations!

Heart Charlie said...

Love the interview! I have to check this out now ;) I also love the adorable photos, thanks for the post!

Natalie Gall said...

Loved the mag! some really cool images. Great blog im following now:)


Anonymous said...

great magazine and incredible that she's just 15 and made this happen (and for free!). congrats on being a part of it, the images are stunning and it's really accessible and witty!

lauren said...

that's 15, i had done nothing interesting for the world!!! that's really cool!

Elaine said...

That's so amazing!!!! She's an inspiration to all of us - if we set our mind to it, we can do it!! I loved reading a little bit about her!

Anonymous said...

love it
looks like an interesting new project
love the photos as well
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for the sweet comments, love it!


Chicago Chic said...

Jennifer this is so exciting, what what an ambitious and intelligent girl!


JoJo said...

Neat! It is always great to see people around my age do stuff like this! I don't know if I'd be abble to handle doing that is 3 years!

Ela said...

How sweet are you!

Congratulations to her and her co-editors! That is wonderful!

Unknown said...

Oooh will chk it out, love your blog glad I visited!