Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What I want to say...

First, I want to thank everyone who e-mailed me about doing guest posts. I'm really excited about the guest post series because I have such a variety of bloggers lined up. The topics are pretty random, which I absolutely adore.

If you're still interested in doing a guest post, feel free to e-mail me.

The first guest post will run on Friday.

Now, on to a fun little blogging project:

10 days of blogging

I stole this from my friend Julie, who stole it from her friend and I’m sure we’ll all be tired of it before I even finish the ten days worth. Here is how it works, you blog 10 days on the following topics:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day Three: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you could change or you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot to you
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons
Day Nine: Two words that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

So here goes …

Day 1: 10 things I want to say to 10 different people

1. Don't be surprised that I'm not calling you back, because you've proven to be completely psychotic.

2. I never realized how much your friendship meant to me until you were gone. I wish I could relive each second.

3. Your behavior this year has made me even more ashamed that we ever dated. Please stop stalking my friends.

4. It kills me that we don't see eye-to-eye on the major aspects of life and I've treated you unfairly because of it. I hope you forgive me before it's too late.

5. It worries me that you only attract douchebags. It scares me that you don't seem to care.

6. I was so blinded by our friendship that it took your recent actions for me to finally discover why nobody likes you. You're an ugly person inside and out.

7. Sometimes I can't figure out if you're a genius or simply a conceited idiot.

8. I have been a horrible friend and I truly apologize.

9. Whenever I'm depressed, I always wonder if my life would have turned out better if we had ended up together.

10. I've spent most of my life being envious of you. I wish I could love myself just as much.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Unfortunately, I've so been with number6!

Punctuation Mark said...

this is really cute... promise i'll work on the post this weekend! been a bit of a hectic week around here!

Elaine said...

Wow.. this was really interesting. I'm looking forward to more posts!

CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

MariahSmile said...

Sent you an email! I like the lists!

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

What interesting topics for the 10 days! I may just have to do one of these over on my blog in a few days...thanks for the inspiration girl!


Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love your lists!! And I have to say I've been there especially meeting with douchbags!

Josie said...

Oh, I'm so excited about your list series!
xo Josie

daisychain said...

such a fabulous post x

btd. said...

I like this blog idea, now I wanna do it. Steal! Lol, this is some deep stuff you want to say. Maybe you will say it one day. :)

Anonymous said...

great list!

ching said...

i like how no.7 relates to someone i know..haha

Audrey Allure said...

Can't wait to read the guest posts :)

noone said...

this is an interesting idea for a post. I agree with the eye to eye one, except the dude I was talking to is a complete moronic hippie. haha!

JUST ME said...

Were you talking about me when it came to the Douchebag line??


Damsels said...

those are really personal messages.. i almost feel wrong reding them but it makes me wonder about the people they are for.. its ten diffrent people right? it sounsd theyae all the sam person

Venus Loves Virgo said...

OMG! Those were too hysterical to read! I love your humour XOXO

Vicki said...

great post! cant wait for the guest posts my dear! have a great weekend! :) x

Ton Amour said...

I really think 5 6 and 7 are about me. HAHA. Wait... : p

Unknown said...

Really cool idea! I love your writings very much I am stalking your blog constantly!