Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mindy & Me

I'm really grateful for all the support you guys have been giving me. It's been comforting.

A few days ago, one of you asked me some questions, which I'm going to answer, because I don't want to be rude (and I love talking about myself, so everybody wins).

They are:

What is your fish's name?

His name is Mr. Sakana and here is his photo:

When he was adopted, his father was going through a Japanese phase, hence the name. Mr. S is a bit of a brat and to be honest, we don't really get along. My boyfriend, Rian, actually has a better relationship with him than I do. It's even gotten to the point where if I'm the one who puts the food flakes in his bowl, Mr. S refuses to eat them. It's like he'd rather die than take my charity.

What's your boyfriend studying?

Rian is getting his Masters in English.

What's your favorite shade of lipstick?

Light it Up by Victoria's Secret

Now, let's randomly talk about television.

I love television. Downton Abbey. Mad Men. The Vampire Diaries.

But there is a new show that I adore and I think it has potential to be awesome:

The Mindy Project.

Holy shit you guys. This is like my life. In 23 minutes.

The humor, the dialogue, the characters, the perspective. Sure, I'm not a doctor or even "single" but still. Watching this show was like watching myself.

Plus, it's kind of revolutionary. The Mindy Project is the first television show to be centered around (and created by) an Indian-American. Mindy Kaling is adorable, true, but she's also not a size two either. She's NORMAL. And awesome. And hilarious. Gahhhh! So much love for her.

I highly recommend you watch both the pilot and the second episode. (Click here to do so).

The pilot was basically setting up the premise of the show, and the second episode gives a taste of what to expect.

The show revolves around a 31-year-old gynecologist and her adventures at work and on the dating scene. I think it's a show most career-oriented girls around my age identify with. You spend your twenties working towards a goal, believing love will just enter into the picture naturally, and then suddenly you wake up and everyone else around you is married with kids and all the good guys are taken.

I've been a fan of Mindy Kaling since her days on The Office, but this show made me realize she might actually be my kindred spirit.

I want to meet her right now and be her best friend. (If you want to know a more detailed reason of why, click here).

What do you think of this show? What other new shows are you excited about this season?


Shannon said...

Just told my husband we are watching the Mindy Project.

See how much control you have over me!!?

Sherin said...

I want to Watch this!! I already love Mindy and the show looks amazing.

Aleksandra said...

Oh my goodness! Ever since I read her book, "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns" I thought that she totally reminded me of you! You should read her book by the way, it's hilarious :)

Aleksandra said...

Oh and also, I'm so glad I know another person who enjoys Downton Abbey! I ADORE that show :) You should write a post about it ;)

Johanna said...

Nice post, it's cool to learn new things about you. I didn't even know one could have a bad relationship to a fish. I guess everything is possible. :D That Mindy Project show sounds cool, I need to check it out ;) ♥

And thanks for your lovely comment, I appreciate it a lot ♥

Alex Byer said...

I'm obsessed with The Mindy Project. It's just so good. She's hilarious. I love her.

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I have GOT to get that lipstick! That's an awesome pink! I've heard wonderful reviews about her and her show. Gotta watch it!!!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

The show sounds awesome, will look into it here :) Love Downton Abbey as well :) The fish is precious. I can never find a lipstick that I like, I usually have a lip gloss instead. Hope you have a sweet day doll x

Kivimäen Jenni said...

Heeey, how lame that we don't get to see this in Finland!!

Love your fish, though. He has a great attitude. ;D

Josie said...

I seriously want to start watching Mindy's new show!
xo Josie

JustMe said...

I like this show too. The writing is smart, and she doesn't apologize for ANYTHING.

Hoping it just gets more awesome as it goes on, like 30 Rock and Parks and Rec.

I cannot wait for the new season of The Walking Dead, even though I am guaranteed to have nightmares.

Arielle-HumblePieVintage said...

I love Mindy but I haven't seen the show yet. I'm going to download it and catch up one night. I love her on The Office and I LOVED her book! I even did a blog feature on her. She's so funny and real. If you haven't read her book, do it. You will die laughing.

Rae said...

Have you read Mindy's book? I just did and really loved it. I mean, it was exceptionally written and it wasn't the most interesting thing I've ever read, but that just goes along with how NORMAL she is. Like you said, I just want to be her best friend forever and ever! The show is phenomenal and she is phenomenal and gorgeous and brilliant and I am jealous of her friends that they get to be her friends.

(I reviewed her book at if you're interested)