Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Strangest Movie You Need to Watch

I fell in love with a movie over the weekend.

As I get older, it seems more rare that I come across films that mesmerize me so much they automatically get promoted to my favorites list.

So, I'm really excited.

The film is called House.

It is a Japanese fantasy/horror film from 1977. It is considered by many critics to be one of the strangest movies ever made.

Half of the people who watch it become obsessed with it. The other half deem it unwatchable because it's just too weird.

While I agree the movie is bizarre, it is exactly that element which makes it so endearing. I don't believe it is too weird to watch at all. It has an easy-to-follow storyline and charming characters and deliciously cheesy and over-the-top special effects.

The movie is a cross between the Powerpuff Girls and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Or, what an old Disney movie would be like if it got high.

Intrigued yet?

The film revolves around seven adorable giggly teenage girls (with their own distinct personality traits, like the Spice Girls) who spend their school break at a haunted house.

Craziness, adorableness, and creepiness ensue.

The movie was a mega smash hit in Japan when it was released 35 years ago. Especially among children.

It really changed the tone for Japanese cinema at the time. The country had never seen a movie like it before. Critics weren't sure how to review it. Parents weren't sure if they wanted their kids to see it. Studio executives weren't sure if they were happy the film succeeded.

After all, the movie studio had spent the previous two years trying to put the film script on the back burner, hoping it would be forgotten.

When Nobuhiko Obayashi wrote the script earlier that decade, everyone thought it was a joke. No director in the Japanese film industry wanted to touch it.

Frustrated, Nobuhiko used social networking in order to promote his undeveloped film.

He spread the word about it to the media. He passed out business cards promoting the film. He released manga and book versions of the script. He even created a pop music soundtrack for the film.

With all the hype and publicity already surrounding the script, the studio had no choice but to allow Nobuhiko to film it himself!

Most of the actors he chose were virtually unknown. But when the film was released, they became movie stars overnight.

And the film to this day remains a cult classic. House is heavily discussed in film classes. It is showcased in independent movie theaters all over the world.

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend netflixing House.

I think everyone could use a little weird in their life.


French Girl in Seattle said...

I am indeed intrigued by your review of House, and even more entertained by your creative use of the English language. I guess I will follow your advice and will be "netflixing" the flick as soon as my folks fly home! :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Powerpuff Girls and Rocky Horror? That does sound truly weird. Two of the strangest movies I've ever watched were Battle Royale and Kids, but this one sounds even crazier.

Oh to Be a Muse
Shop Layered Muse

Melanie said...

The stranger the better! I have to check this out!!!!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

jen! what am i gonna do with you! what's so strange is now i want to see this flick. sweet and scary! i'm all for it! hahahaha thanks girl!

Vix said...

That sounds bizarre - I must track it down! The images alone are wonderful! x

Jillian said...

Okay, you got me. I'm going to watch it. I'm running out of things to watch on Netflix anyway. Also, I appreciate weirdness.

Sherin said...

This film actually sounds amazing! Need to watch it for sure.

Blond Duck said...

The oldest movie I like is the Poltergeist movies. Is it bad it makes me giggle? And then there was some teenage Rom Com with Nicolas Cage that came on Vh1 that cracked me up.

On to take the princess quiz.

Unknown said...

man now i DEFINITELY need to check this movie out.. i'm certain my friend DRU would love it as well. we apparently like weird things.


Anonymous said...

Never heard of this movie, but thank you for sharing it with us! Looks like I found a new movie to watch.


toko baju muslim said...

It’s exactly what I was looking nice job for posting this.Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post


I have heard of this, but haven't been able to retrieve it. Where did you watch it? I'm a huge film buff, and a huge fan of foreign cinema. I llove bizarre films that follow a non-linear structure, so color me intrigued! Let me know where I might be able to find it, because I'm dying to watch it now!


Anonymous said...

I also recommend Detroit Metal City (デトロイトメタルシティ). It's about an awkward farm boy who secretly becomes a death metal super star, but dreams of becoming a pop singer. As you might expect, there is some hard music throughout but it's well worth the sacrifice because it's ohmygod so funny.

Anonymous said...

You might also like Kokuhaku (告白). It's a story about a teacher who exacts her revenge on two murderous students. The story is powerful and your heart aches for the main character as her tale unfolds. Not to steal your thunder, but I may go blog about it right now. lol

Johanna said...

Yep, that sounds totally weird, but in the most positive way. I think I need to try to find that somewhere, it sounds like something I should definitely see :) xo ♥


I like a bit of weirdness so I am up for this film. Can't say that I have ever seen this Powerpuff Girls, but did love Rocky Horror ... okay, now I'm off to find this film. Thanks Jenn! /Madison

ravenlocks said...

I was scared when I saw this poster for it. LOL! It's so creepy. But now I'm intrigued :) I'll try to find it so I can see it. All we have here is Blockbuster...they suck. They only carry newer age garbage.



ravenlocks said...


I LOVE what those girls are wearing! So cute!

A BRIT GREEK said...

Sounds totally wacktastic & intriguing!

A BRIT GREEK said...

Sounds totally wacktastic & intriguing!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Weird and interesting, I like it. Will have to check it out for sure. Have a great week doll :)

Unknown said...

Wow! that cat really creeped me out :) I just might watch this!