Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Monday, March 9, 2009

"I vont to be alone!"

I was wrapped up all cozy in the apartment this past weekend and kept thinking about how much I just wanted to stay there.

Outside loomed the scary realities of life: the rain, the thunder, my dad, my job.

I felt safe and secure bundled up on the couch with a thick fluffy blanket and a bottle of pink champagne.

And I can't get this feeling out of my head. I was fantasizing about it all day today and I think it might be a good idea.

Now that Rian has a job with his old landscaping company, he can pay for everything. And I will stay in the apartment.

It's brilliant. All I need is a cell phone and computer to stay connected with friends and family. The fridge is stacked with food and wine. Those are the only things I need to survive.

I imagine myself like Greta Garbo...hiding away from the glaring eyes of the cameras and obtrusive fans. I'll spend most of my days lounging on the couch eating grapes and watching foreign films. When a friend stops by, I'll glide to the door in a hideously glamorous electric blue vintage Hollywood robe.

I'll open the door wide, usher them in, and then quickly pour them a drink. Brandy. Scotch. Rum. On the rocks.

It will be so fab.

But first I need that damn robe. And some diamonds.


starbrained said...

Ha, I love this post! I have weekends like that too.
By the way, I noticed that the link to your other blog has Fanny Price in it. I just read Mansfield Park and I fell in love with it. Fanny Price is love.

Ton Amour said...

Umm you know you are soooo copying me...Days I don my yellow silk pajamas and pearls.
I like the blue robe better tho. Nice touch.
Good luck with that. The world is just jealous.